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Resolved! Comment démarrer nuxeo 5.6 en mode service windows ?

cela quelques que je me creuse la tête a essayer de passer nuxeo en mode service windows mais rien de fait. J'ai suivis la methode YAJSW de la doc. Le service se crée mais ne fait rien a demarrage. Lorsque je le demarre manuellement il se lance, et f...

tinou_ by Champ on-the-rise
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Est il possible de combiner de deux types de classements dans un domaine de nuxéo ? - Is it possible to combine two types of rankings in a field of Nuxeo?

Bonjour, Nous souhaiterions pouvoir classer des documents dans deux workspaces différents : l'un par date de manière antéchonologique et l'autre par ordre alphabétique de titre. Cela est-il possible ? Merci ! Hello, We would like to organize documen...

nuxeouser_ by Champ in-the-making
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Question about the publication and rights

Hello, I have some workspaces and publication spaces. Users have different rights on this spaces./> My workspaces : A (User X has a reading right)A1 (User X has a writing right)A2B (User Y has a writing right) My sections : S1 (User X has a reading r...

delphine_ by Star Contributor
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Comment ajouter un nouveau type de documents?

Bonjour à tous, Je tente de créer un nouveau type de document afin de pouvoir saisir un champ supplémentaire. J'ai suivi cette page mais je ne vois rien de nouveau quand j'utilise le bouton "Nouveau document" dans mon espace de travail. J'ai créé ces...

lhouttem_ by Champ in-the-making
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Nuxeo Quartz Cluster

Bonjour, Nous avons récemment mis en place un cluster Nuxeo avec une base de données postgres sur des serveurs Ubuntu 12.04 en suivant la documentation Cependant je pense avoir sauter l'é...

moise by Champ in-the-making
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Security policy enforcement on document creation

As part of my custom security policy, I would like to prevent a user from creating a document he/she cannot later access. In order to do so, it would seem reasonable that SecurityPolicy.checkPermission() be at least optionally invoked (with say "Read...

rg1_ by Star Contributor
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how could i put the tree in a widget on the dashboard??

i need to see the tree in the dashboard. i have the idea to create my own widget type using the template /incl/directory_tree_explorer.xhtml (i think thats the tree´s template if i am wrong, please tell me) here is the code how i am doing it all is i...

german_ by Champ on-the-rise
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Attaching files to a webpage - where do they go?

I have been evuluating nuxeo for management of equipment and documents. I have created a website with several webpages but when I attach a file from the webpage through the webengine the file is attached to the webpage but i can`t for the life of me ...

obscureit_ by Champ in-the-making
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is there an esay way to develop a gadget?

i´m trying to set up apache shindig in eclipse using this steps here. but i´m stuck when i try to run as a Maven build the "shindig-project" also, i installed the nuxeo IDE and SDK, but when i try to create a new opensocial gadget nothing happens. an...

german_ by Champ on-the-rise
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