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Forum Posts

How Can I change gadget title

I created a gadget with nuxeo ide but i do not know where change the gadget title. The title is the same name for my component. internalGadget name="myCustomGadget" The title is: myCustomGadget and I do not want this. I modified also the title attiri...

'Transaction Failed' Notification

When attempting to edit the content of a document, I'm unable to have a successful upload of the file. This occurs any time a document has already been created and I am aattempting to edit it. Currently, I have my document set up with the following ...

[Advanced Search] Add a "published" selector option

[EN] Hello, I would like to customize my Advanced Search view so as to be able to choose between Published documents - only, or unpublished documents ==> How could I create in Nuxeo Studio a selector which would be like "look into Published section? ...

Julien_A_ by Champ on-the-rise
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How are duplicate files stored when using Amazon S3?

I have been told that Nuxeo does NOT store multiple copies of the same document, and just uses links. I understand that Nuxeo VCS has a duplication checker. We are using Nuxeo as the DM, with a PostGres DB running on Amazon cloud and using Amazon S3...

wjv16_ by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Automation: Document does not exist error

I'm using @ldoguin's REST Client example to fetch some data from upon document creation. User goes to create a new book: At this time, once the user clicks Create, I would like to fetch rest of the information about the book from ope...

s_ by Champ in-the-making
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How to change page size parameter in my tasks gadget

Hi, is there a way to change gadget configuration without modify its code? Days ago I modified a xhtml file and had problems for get upgrades from hotfixs. I want to know if I can change the page size parameter without problems.