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Forum Posts

contributors : modifier la valeur par defaut

Bonjour, j'aimerai savoir comment modifier la valeur par defaut qui est chargé dans contributors, en effet elle se charge par un user et j'aimerai la charger avec le nom d'un groupe. Est ce possible ? Merci d'avance

vjoussot_ by Star Contributor
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Resolved! CMIS bulkUpdateProperties & addSecondaryTypeIds

Hi! I want to know if is possible create new types using CMIS and add secondary types to a Document Instance. Someone can help me with this ? Remember with CMIS, not XML stuff or Nuxeo Studio. Thanks! Rafael Bueno

How to invoke Nuxeo services by local Java API?

I'm trying to invoke Nuxeo Services by local API, but I obtain NullPointerException. I see in the documentation, The services can be local (inside the same JVM) and most of them can be Also called remotely via RMI if your target Application Server ...

maumig_ by Confirmed Champ
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Installing nuxeo-drive on Windows

Hi I have installed nuxeo-drive-1.2013.0607-win32.msi My local platform is Windows 7 My server is 5.6 Indeed I see that nuxeo-drive is active in my UI I can create a new document in Nuxeo, indeed I see that it is updated in my nuxeo-drive But if I cr...

Arnault_ by Confirmed Champ
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"closing" folders in nuxeo

Is it possible to "close a floder in nuxeo", that is to have it in a state where documents con not be added to the folder, and users can only view the folder, or delete it if authorized? Thank you

bledii_ by Confirmed Champ
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Nuxeo configuration Branching in Agile Dev Environment

Hi, I'm evaluating the Nuxeo platform for use as an ECM for a customer. We are actively developing a larger system using the concept of Agile Development and Releases. For this purpose, I need to understand if there is a way to have multiple versions...

Vaibhav_ by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! use PhpAutomationClient with CAS

Hi! In a project I need to use the PhpAutomationClient to retrieve some documents. I'am using the drupal's CMS with CAS Module. When I use default login and password to create a session like this, it's work. client = new PhpAutomationClient('http://...

djoncour_ by Champ on-the-rise
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