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nuxeo-arender problem

i'm installed nuxeo-arender 10.3.5 but when start the app in web ui the attached image represent the error "# HTTP Status 404 – Not Found"

Navigate from Automation Chain with WebUI

Hello I have an Automation Chain that deletes a document. This AC is triggered with a custom button in WebUI. Is there a way, from the AC or from the button, to navigate to parent after document deletion ? I saw SEAM.NavigateTo for JSF, but nothing f...

Change document name or path before document created ?

The name (last part of its path) of a newly created Document is created from its dc:title (in nuxeo-document-create.js) I have to compute title and name of documents from their other fields (type, date and sequence) Is there a way to change it in an ...

Analytcs Api Exception

Dear after we change Elastic Search Server and config it in nuxeo.conf all analytics Api Return Exception we wrote it below body:-{"query":{"bool":{"must":[{"term":{"eventId":"download"}},{"rang...