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Forum Posts

How to customize JAX-RS application exception handling?

Hello, I have configured a simple JAX-RS (not WebEngine as it is for programmatic web services) application as described in the documentation. I am using the Nuxeo-WebModule: org.nuxeo.ecm.webengine.jaxrs.scan.DynamicApplicationFactory line to disco...

No effect after a document update with API REST

Bonjour Je crée un document avec succès, selon la commande suivante curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "Administrator:Administrator" -d "{ \"entity-type\": \"document\", \"name\":\"MyDoc\", \"type\": \"SimpleDocument\", \"properties\...

Arnault_ by Confirmed Champ
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Add Custom property in dublincore schema

Hi, I need to add one property "location" in existing dublincore schema. But i don't know how to add custom properties in existing dublincore schema using nuxeo-dm-5.4.2-jboss server. Please provide me step by step solution for my problem. Thanks in...

Nitish_ by Champ in-the-making
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Time taken to index documents/folder

Hi, Is there any way to determine how much time it takes for the nuxeo DM/platform to index documents, or is it purely a Database related thing.But roughly do you guys have any numbers or any way that users can see this or measure this etc. thanks

Resolved! Error with custom config (Database template: unknown)

Hi, I am trying to customize the configuration of our Nuxeo platform following recommendations in and + templates I get an error whe...

apx25_ by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! Error when using the REST Api trying to convert a document

Hi the example for adapters in the REST Api section of the documentation does not work /nuxeo/api/v1/id/{docId}/@blob/file:content/@op/Blob.ToPDF the first part /nuxeo/api/v1/id/{docId}/@blob/file:content/ does provide the binary file, but adding th...

Resolved! NXQL filtering out deleted documents

Hi, I have the NXQL query below being executed via Resultset.PageProvider REST call { "params": { "pageSize" : 100, "query" : "SELECT ecm:uuid, dc:title, ecm:primaryType, ecm:isLatestVersion, ecm:isCheckedInVersion, ecm:versionVersionableId, ecm:c...