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Forum Posts

Display of dates in the web-ui interface

Hello, I encounter an anomaly in the display of dates using the web-ui interface. The dates displayed are in an English format although the rest of the interface is in French which is the language of the browser. The attached screenshot shows this in...

Resolved! Python API SSO NoneType Error

Bonjour, Mon environnement : Nuxeo 10.10 Windows 10 Python 3.9 J'essaye actuellement de créer un POC pour la connexion SSO avant de la mettre en place sur la branche dev, je rencontre toutefois quelques problèmes. J'utilise l'API Python de Nuxeo. **M...

Where is the swtich account mode

Hello, For some reasons, I have to try by myself what user is supposed to see in nuxeo. So I need a mode to switch account and to be logged as anothers users. How can I do it ? A lot of application permit that, so I'm wondering that nuxeo does it too...

Unauthorized when getting docker 11

Hi guys, While my nuxeoctl is not working in 11.4.42, I was trying to get the docker image to work on that one, however, when performing the following command: docker login -u -p mytoke...

How to query the date that a document has been trashed

We would like to retain our trash for a set time period and have it hard deleted afterwards. We can do this with API calls but I would like to be able to query the date when a document was trashed, is there anyway to do that? Please see the screen sh...