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Forum Posts

Minify resources to render

Hi all We've recently made some research on UX when navigating on the platform and we noticed that some resources sent on every page are not minified. See tinymce.js, nuxeo-select2.js as an example. Is there a way to minify all the resources on the...

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Direct url to download document

Hello, I want to download a document in Nuxeo from an another application. I trry an url : http://nuxeo_server:8080/nuxeo/nxfile/default/9f8c190a-dd27-4d77-9c0a-a3b4cd95abbc/file:content/DEMABOX000000137.pdf Nuxeo need a login and a password. How to ...

How to declare a jdbc used by a vocabulary in Studio ?

In studio, it seems impossible to declare a custom vocabulary (not based on the single data source). So I choose an arbitrary vocabulary and give in custom properties my directoryName (test) The bundle is generated as expected <properties widgetM...

What&apos;s the path to nuxeo.war

I'm using Nuxeo.10 , i want to read and write, from a java class, files that are saved in C:\nuxeo-cap-7.10\nxserver\nuxeo.war but i cant find the proper path. This path shouldn't be different if i use Nuxeo as War, can you help me with this ?

ITShine_ by Star Contributor
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Preview Not Working

New Windows server with Nuxeo window install with all defaults. I can't preview and documents: Preview can not be generated for this document Technical issue: Blob path: default org.nuxeo.ecm.platform.preview.api.PreviewException: Error during conver...

huge321 by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! IntelliJ versus Eclipse?

Hi, I'm a big fan of IntelliJ and any JetBrains development environment, so I'd prefer to use it as my go to IDE. However, I notice that Eclipse is more mature in regards to Nuxeo. Has anyone here worked with both development environments? Which do y...

Customize Search Filter for List Widget type

Hi Folks, I am customizing the default search filter of Nuxeo. I have created my own field called **Keywords **which is a List Widget I have reflected the same field (Keyword) in search filter page but couldn't able to **search **based on keywords en...