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Forum Posts

Nuxeo is slow

Hello everyone Please, I need your help. I am working to update our ECM platform to go from Nuxeo Nuxeo 5.8 to 7.10. For this, I cloned the production instance and I work on. According to the documentation, I updated my Nuxeo with the latest hotfix (...

Multi repository and permissions

Hi, I have a problem and maybe there was such ticket before, but I can't find it. I've got two repositories: Default one and the some additional. While on default repository permissions work perfectly, and I can add, and remove etc. then on additiona...

__3 by Confirmed Champ
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invalid column name in vocabulary mapping

I have the following columns in a view id VARCHAR2(40) exercice VARCHAR2(40) label VARCHAR2(40) ordering NUMBER obsolete NUMBER comm_reference VARCHAR2(50) comm_libelle VARCHAR2(500) comm_date_creation VARCHAR2(19) utilisateur VARCHAR2(50) that I tr...

Authentication to REST API with OAuth2

Hi, I'm using REST API within a Web Java App to get query results which works great but the next step is to authenticate without having to use user's passwords. Is using OAuth2 to authenticate, the best way to do it ? I've tried it and so far I can't...

Nuxeo IDE Document CrossValidation

Hello, I'm trying to make a validation of a custom document based on a cross validation (make a validation on a field based on what the user has filled on a second one). I made this technique based on a post here :

Resolved! Number of documents per domain

Hello, I'd like to have the number of documents per domain, how it's possible ? JMX is not enough, I don't want to know how many documents are created, updated or deleted but how many documents are currently on my platform. Thanks

Document title length

Hi, I'd like to change the default document title length so the full document title is visible in the lists as very long names are actually not displayed in full but snipped with three dots (very long document title is snip...) Is it possible? Thanks...

acn_ by Confirmed Champ
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