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Forum Posts

Resolved! Delete Specific Attachment From Document

Hello Guys, I have Problem in Removing Specific Attachment From Document. When I try to delete attachment with index 3, it will always delete last attachment that is index 0. I have tried using below code. DocumentService ds = session.getAdapter(Docu...

Automation Java Client Upload change file name

Hello. I am trying to upload a file using java client 2.1 using the API example: Blob fileBlob = new Blob(io.File file); blob = nuxeoClient.automation().newRequest("Blob.AttachOnDocument").param("document", "/folder/file").input(fileBlob).execute(); ...

Custom Row Color in the nuxeo-data-table

Hello, First, thank you for your work I would like to custom each row color of the data-table but I have a problem, I can collect each row and add a new class (with the new color) but the color change **after ** the table was full. So, each time all...

__9 by Champ in-the-making
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Unit test not loading custom document type

I have got this error java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: DR_DRF is not a registered core type My test class is like: @RunWith(FeaturesRunner.class) @Features({RuntimeFeature.class, PlatformFeature.class, CoreFeature.class}) @RepositoryConfig(init =...

Change the owner of all the document in repository

Hi, In my current setup I am using Nuxeo with LDAP and CAS integration. Now my requirement is, for some scenarios one user upload the document after login but after certain period of time due to company change the user id may change for that user but...

Souvik_ by Confirmed Champ
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