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Forum Posts

How To use Nuxeo via JAVA API?

I am trying to use JAVA API of Nuxeo in serve-side: My scenario is: Application Server Wildfly Nuxeo deployed as static war together my application that is another war. I have added Nuxeo API in my WAR (Interfaces) and I tried the following code: Cor...

Resolved! [Feature] Require a specific repository in CoreFeature

Hello, Someone might need to run a test on a specific repository, for example when queries are executed using MongoClient. Otherwise the test should be ignored. Proposal : add a "require" attribute to @RepositoryConfig. @RepositoryConfig(require = St...

Florent_M by Champ in-the-making
  • 3 replies
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multi tenant LDAP user isolation

Hi there, I'm using nuxeo 5.8HF10 in combination with LDAP. I'm experiencing the following situation: usera - tenantA userb - tenantB usera is a tenantA administrator. When searching in the admin center (users&groups) userb appears in the list. How ...

Bauke_Roo by Star Contributor
  • 5 replies
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Resolved! Alternative to alfresco?

We are evaluating open source content management systems. We've looked a bit at Alfresco, how does Nuxeo compare in terms of performances and customization? Any hints or resources to learn about that?

JoshPink_ by Champ in-the-making
  • 2 replies
  • 2 kudos

setPassword method in java client ?

Hey everyone, I tried opening an issue on git ( without success so i thought i would try here. How do you set users password using the java client (using 2.4 SNAPSHOT atm). As said on my git issue,...

How to set permanent permission with Java API?

I am trying to assign a permanent permission to a group but I got null pointer exception when begin or end dates are not defined. ACE ace = new ACE(); ace.setUsername(username); ace.setPermission("Everything"); ace.setCreator(nuxeologin); ace.setBloc...