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Forum Posts

Resolved! Blob providers

Hi community. I am trying to create a blob provider to be able to have my files stored in OpenStack Swift. I extended the class AbstractCloudBinaryManager and implemented the main methods there. I packaged the class and all the dependencies into a ja...

Creating groups with specific properties using API

Hello, I would like to create groups using REST API, but i also need to set values for specific properties but it won't work. API only allows to set value for "groupname", "grouplabel", "memberUsers" and "memberGroups". Is there any way to set values...

Resolved! Nuxeo starting - array index out of range

Hi, I have problem with starting nuxeo instance. Earlier I didn't have this problem, and i started nodes without any problems. Now i want to start nuxeo 7.10-Hf09,and I'm getting such error(?) Detected Tomcat server. Nuxeo home: /opt/BPODriv...

__3 by Confirmed Champ
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Widget Document Suggestion how to query on two fields?

Hello, In my layout I would like to be able to search a document but be able to search either on its name or on its code. I tried several things with the nxql query but couldn't make it work. I thought about the javascript formatter but I think it wo...

Resolved! Nuxeo-rating dependencies?

Does anyone know what else needs to be installed for nuxeo-rating to work? I have: 8.10 no hotfixes nuxeo-dam-6.2.3 nuxeo-jsf-ui-8.10.0 nuxeo-web-ui-0.8.0 I've built and installed Activity: A...

Resolved! nuxeo-platform-login-portal-sso 401 Server Error?

Hello, New user to Nuxeo and trying to follow the steps of using the nuxeo-platform-login-portal-sso plugin, using the steps outlined here: ...

NuxeoNate_ by Champ in-the-making
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upload blob/byte[]

Hello everyone, Is it possible to upload a file by just blob or byte [] instead of the file itself ??? See the example below: private Document exportNuxeo() throws IOException { Document doc = new Document("file", "File"); doc.set("dc:title...

Resolved! angular-nuxeo : attach a blob through uploader ? - [SOLVED]

Hi, I try to use angular-nuxeo to attach a blob, but I get excute exception. Here is my code : documentUploader(uid: string, file : File): IPromise<Object> { let defer = this.$q.defer(); let options : any = {}; options.operationId = 'Blob.Attac...

freemann_ by Star Contributor
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