02-02-2013 02:34 PM
When migrating an older codebase to 5.6 I noticed an innocuous-seeming message in the startup log about the BigFolder facet being undeclared. I took a quick look in the 5.6 source and in the documentation and it seems as though BigFolder is still supported. Before I dig deeper, I thought I would ask if there is any change to BigFolder in 5.6 GA?
Many thanks, Bruce.
02-04-2013 11:24 AM
Answer: Just had to register the facet in the same contribution as my custom doc types...
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.TypeService" point="doctype">
<facet name="BigFolder" />
<doctype name="Partner Folder" extends="Folder">
<schema name="mycommon" />
<schema name="uid" />
<facet name="BigFolder" />
02-04-2013 11:24 AM
Answer: Just had to register the facet in the same contribution as my custom doc types...
<extension target="org.nuxeo.ecm.core.schema.TypeService" point="doctype">
<facet name="BigFolder" />
<doctype name="Partner Folder" extends="Folder">
<schema name="mycommon" />
<schema name="uid" />
<facet name="BigFolder" />
02-11-2013 01:15 PM
Thanks, we'll try to register it in the next Nuxeo version, see [NXP-10966](https
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