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Should I get ECMTicket with OAUTH authentication mode?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I am using ADF Core 3.7.0, and enabled OAUTH authentication to work with ACS and APS. While intergrating ARender viewer, I needed to pass ECMTicket against the parameter "alf_ticket", whereas I am getting OAuth token from AuthenticationService. How do I get the ECMTicket value. 

private authService: AuthenticationService
alfTicket = this.authService.getTicketEcm();

When I am using "OAUTH" as "authType", I am not getting this ECM Ticket. But, I am getting the OAUTH token value via.


 Is there a way I can get ECMTicket using this token. Please suggest.


Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

Hey, did you manage to figure this out? I'm running into the same problem with SSO.

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

I also need to do this.  Can someone from Alfresco respond on whether this is possible or not.  I need the ticket to be able to login in to AEV but I can not get the ticket using AuthService.getECMTicket since the system was set up for SSO in the cloud.  Is there another way to get the ticket?