02-06-2018 05:15 AM
s'il vous plaît, qui peut me dire comment travailler avec la tâche de service dans activiti-rest
02-06-2018 09:49 AM
Service tasks are automated so you don't normally need to interact with them using REST calls. For tasks generally and the REST API look at https://www.activiti.org/userguide/#_tasks
02-06-2018 10:00 AM
but my problem is that I work with a service task that sends information to an external system to validate the data how can i resolve this problem!!
02-06-2018 10:26 AM
What is it that you need to do with the service task via a REST call? Is it audit information that you are looking to query for? If the action you are trying to take is not controlled by Activiti then it might be you have to write some code for it (e.g. maybe you need to write your own RestController class and expose an endpoint to query a database table)?
02-07-2018 07:43 AM
my problem is that when I deploy my process using rest api it ignores the service spots even if I give them java code, the java code does not run so how can I solve this problem
02-07-2018 08:47 AM
How are you making the java classes available to Activiti? Are you putting a jar file in Tomcat?
02-07-2018 08:51 AM
I do not know how to do it! I just implemented the java class and I assigned it to service task then I deploy the process using api rest so I look for a solution to that thank you for your answer I am debutante
02-07-2018 08:56 AM
exactly, that's what I want to do, how to make Java java classes available for Activiti?
02-07-2018 09:17 AM
Ok I guess your question is the same as How to add classes to the engine classpath or ? Does one of those threads resolve the problem? (I'm assuming that you are using Tomcat and v5.)
02-07-2018 09:31 AM
i use glassfish 3 and activiti 5.22 from what I read I have to put the jar of my java project in C: \ glassfish32 \ glassfish \ domains \ domain \ applications \ activiti-rest \ WEB-INF \ lib is it like that
thank you for your answer you helped me too much I was lost
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