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JUNIT test for custom rest Endpoint using Mockito

I am following APS Junit  for testing aps custom logic.I have JavaDelegate and  signal class.I have custom endpoint which is calling third party api to fetch data, for that How Can I create UNIT Test case? without using Integration Testing and Using ...

Laxmi by Champ in-the-making
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lanes and groups in Activiti

Hi everyone, I have a simple Activiti 5 bpm based on two lanes with id "group1" and "group2" and two user tasks "task1" and "task2", the first in lane "group1" and the other in lane "group2".I would like to understand better the meaning of the lanes....

How to extract document UUID using WebDAV protocol

Hi,I'm trying to create a file interface to Alfresco repository using WebDAV interface.I have managed to list directories or upload files, but I don't know how to perform listing or downloading of individual files because Alfresco uses UUID instead o...

the-farmer by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! Where is the Javadoc for 7.0?

All the links seem to be broken and/or out of date.  I want to see the javadocs for the Alfresco API,  like WorkflowService and all the services that I have access to.

mangar by Star Contributor
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Creating Execute Script Action for Rule Service

Hi All,I am trying to create rule through Alfresco RuleService API and has created basic of rule but want to create action which execute javascript present in Datadictionary/Scripts.Below is my rule method:- private void createRule(NodeRef ruleFolder...

piyush48 by Star Contributor
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adf 4.2 custom metadata model error

Hi, I have a problem updating content-app from adf 3.9 to adf 4.2. When I log into the app, files and folders are not displayed and there is an error:zone-evergreen.js:2845 GET http://localhost:4200/alfresco/api/-default-/public/alfresco/versions/1/n...

dzider by Champ on-the-rise
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Get qnamePath by API Rest

I'm using API rest and get the node information, included path, like:"path": { "name": "/Espacio de empresa/Sites/myclient/documentLibrary", .....}How can I get qnamePath: /app:company_home/st:sites/cm:myclient/cm:documentLibrary Only using API Rest?...