05-06-2022 01:00 PM
I am currently trying to create a process by using the REST API : HTTP POST request at /alfresco/api/-default-/public/workflow/versions/1/processes with the following data:
{ "processDefinitionKey": "mbWfAddContent", "variables": { "bpm_assignee": "...", "bpm_sendEMailNotifications": true, "bpm_workflowPriority": 0, "mbwf_contentType": "Recording" }but it fails with error 500 and this message "Incorrect number of document attached to this workflow. Only one document is accepted". This is because the workflow's startEvent script has
if(bpm_package.children.length == 1) ..... elseIs there a way to add items to a process directly in the process creation request ?
throw new Error("Incorrect number of document attached to this workflow. Only one document is accepted");
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