01-13-2017 03:15 PM
I am using Alfresco Community 5.0.d and have been trying to find a way to remove the people finder from live search as shown in below screenshot.
Please let me know in which file can I find this live search so I could modify the people finder or remove this from here.
01-31-2017 06:04 AM
Issue is fixed and have a look at below link for solution.
Modify live search in Alfresco Commmunity 5.0.d - Stack Overflow
01-31-2017 01:10 AM
Hello Nikhil,
You can follow below steps,
1) Extend share-header.get.js
2) Find the widget for search box(ID : HEADER_SEARCH)
3) Disable showing people results(config property : showPeopleResults)
Refer below link for more details
JSDoc: Module: alfresco/header/SearchBox
Hope this helps!!!
01-31-2017 06:04 AM
Issue is fixed and have a look at below link for solution.
Modify live search in Alfresco Commmunity 5.0.d - Stack Overflow
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