09-14-2020 04:33 PM
Hi, I'm investigating the use of Alfresco community edition ECM; I've spun an instance up using the docker-compose file. I can see it contains an example site, and within the example site some example documents such as coins.JPG.
I'm expecting to be able to see those if I query the Solr instance directly, but trying to query the alfresco collection in Solr directly I get the following error:
"08140002 line 1:1\nno viable alternative at input ':'\n\t (decision=17 state 48) decision=<<445:1: ftsTest : ( ( ftsFieldGroupProximity )=> ftsFieldGroupProximity -> ^( PROXIMITY ftsFieldGroupProximity ) | ( ftsRange )=> ftsRange -> ^( RANGE ftsRange ) | ( ftsFieldGroup )=> ftsFieldGroup -> ftsFieldGroup | ( ftsTermOrPhrase )=> ftsTermOrPhrase | ( ftsExactTermOrPhrase )=> ftsExactTermOrPhrase | ( ftsTokenisedTermOrPhrase )=> ftsTokenisedTermOrPhrase | LPAREN ftsDisjunction RPAREN -> ftsDisjunction | template -> template );>>\n\t[ftsQuery, ftsDisjunction, ftsImplicitDisjunction, ftsExplicitConjunction, ftsPrefixed, ftsTest]"
Any suggestions or pointers on that woould be much appreciated thanks!
09-15-2020 03:03 AM
09-15-2020 03:03 AM
SOLR Web Console Query
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