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Periodic Document Review

Elite Collaborator
Elite Collaborator

The set of default tasks provided out-of-the-box by Alfresco are quite simplistic. They consist of an ad-hoc task and a small number of review and approve tasks, for both single and group approvers.

That may well be sufficient for most purposes, however, you may need to have more complex review tasks with a set of reviewers or a set of approvers, defined by you.

Typically, those documents need to be reviewed at specific intervals, such as every year. But wouldn't it be great to have a combination of a Periodic Workflow which can trigger an action to a set of reviewers at the right time.

Welcome to the Periodic Document Review Module.

Parashift’s Periodic Document Review add-on for Alfresco allows you to specify a time in the future where you believe the document should be placed under review. Using a drag and drop interface, you can specify a list of reviewers, who receive a notification of a task when the time is right.

The Periodic Document Review module is open source and offered just like Alfresco Enterprise: on a subscription basis, giving users access to support and maintenance utilising Parashift’s GitLab server for sources, updates and issue tracking facilities. If the subscription is cancelled, the Document Linking module will continue to function; however, continued upgrades and maintenance will not be provided.


- Periodic Review. A periodic review aspect will trigger a workflow when it comes time to review the specified document.
- Drag and Drop. The drag and drop interface makes the Periodic Document Review module simple to navigate, saving you time.
- History. A review history in the Share front end will be available which will show when a review has previously happened.
- Notification. Users in the specified list are notified by email when the workflow has started, ended and anything in between. 

Community 5.0.x

Community 5.1.x

Enterprise 5.0.x

Enterprise 5.1.x

License TypeProprietary
Project PageAdd-Ons - Parashift 
Download PageAdd-Ons - Parashift 
Component TypeAction, Content Model, Document Library
Extension PointsContent Model, Web Script, Share Action, Share Web Script
ProductsRepository, Share Web Client, Records Management