05-18-2018 01:40 PM
Alfresco Enterprise v5.2.3
Alfresco Process Services v1.8.1
I have configured the LDAP for both of them in ApacheDS 2.0, added necessary lines in the .properties files, installed the .amp files and configured the repository for APS in identity manager. But, Alfresco Share has not changed. I have enabled connector's debugging, no errors. Also, I have double checked the amps installation, and files' configuration.
Only thing I was not able to find is the integration.login.alfresco-xx.secret property in the activiti-app.properties.
Any advice?
05-29-2018 12:42 PM
Welp, I had had deployed both of the amps to the alfresco.war
When I fixed that it has started working.
Thanks everyone for the help.
05-21-2018 06:02 AM
I think this might help:
05-23-2018 11:24 AM
The links on the web page are broken, so I can't take a look at their configuration files. Also "Nginx" is not mentioned anywhere in the official docs.
Thanks anyway.
05-23-2018 11:37 PM
The Provided link is working fine for me and "Nginx" is also mentioned.
05-24-2018 07:27 AM
No, I mean links ON the web page. "ldap-authentication.properties", for example, gives me 404.
05-28-2018 01:19 PM
Are you sure that the "Review Processes" app is deployed in APS?
If it isn't, share will revert to the embedded engine.
05-29-2018 12:42 PM
Welp, I had had deployed both of the amps to the alfresco.war
When I fixed that it has started working.
Thanks everyone for the help.
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