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Endpoint update not working

I have created some endpoint and it's basic auth for api.Identity management->Tenants->Endpoints->Basic Authentication for endpointsNow My Basic Authentication for endpoints username/password is changed and I amtrying to update but it is not updating...

Resolved! Add custom metadata with new file upload

Hello,I'm using PortCmis with AtomPub 1.1 in .Net Core and I'm trying to upload a file to Alfresco. I'm trying to set custom metadata., but I'm getting this error: Type classification is unknown!Here is my code:parameters[SessionParameter.User] = "my...

goranche89 by Champ on-the-rise
  • 9 replies
  • 7 kudos

Erroneous 'node does not exist' exception.

Hello.We have for our application a number of IT tests defined, who are putting the application under a lot of stress.Now and then, one of the IT tests running on Alfresco, is failing with the exception 'Node does not exist.'Each test creates a folde...

wybrand by Champ in-the-making
  • 1 replies
  • 0 kudos

Resolved! Unable to build AMP through Maven.

 Hello everyone,I am trying to build an amp through maven but the problem is Im getting the below error. Did some research, found that I have to downgrade my java's jdk version from 8 to 6. Now the problem is Debian (linux) doesn't support jdk 1.6 or...

Multi Instance users task for selected users

I have business scenario where i need some user in form to select multiple users to get in parallel their feedbackSo I need sample that contains the following1- Form with control that allow user to search in system users and select few of them2- Mult...

M_abugabal by Champ in-the-making
  • 3 replies
  • 1 kudos