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Any available link for alfresco-remote-api

Any available link for alfresco-remote-api that can be compiled and build on jdk 8.I have a link for which i am trying to build the project but getting error :-bad class file: C:\Users\infoadmin\.m2\rep...

Force Collaboration-Sites to be created 'private'

We give external people access to our DMS to collaborate with them.Unfortunately, it has already happened a few times that an internal employee has created a new site with the visibility Public because this value is preselected.This leads to informat...

apiening by Confirmed Champ
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How to set similar super administrator account?

At present, I want to set up an account to operate any process, the account can also have the right to interfere with the process of other users,such as agree, return, pause, etc. How can I set this account as super administrator? Thank you very much

Spider-Man by Champ in-the-making
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Resolved! How to solve jrebel-maven-plugin:1.1.8:generate

Hello, im following Jeff Potts tutorial called About the Alfresco Developer Tutorial Serie, I'm on the second step of this guide Working with Custom Content Types, but I'm facing the problem of importing jrebel, when I'm importing the project to Ecli...

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Java simulate click on button in tasks.

Dear friends,I try to work with workflows and tasks.To catch the task I use execution listener. In execution listener I set variables,  then I check if assignee is from given group. If this condition is satisfied, I want to approve, reject or back th...

Resolved! Want to display user's permission on folder under a site

Hello Everyone,I am using Alfresco 6 (dockerized). I have deployed Alfresco in a production enviornment and my clients wants me to create a reporting page (separate surf page for a specific report) , now in that reporting page I want to call a webscr...

http://localhost:8080/alfresco returns 404

I was setting up the Alfresco community edition 6.2 on my Linux server with docker.Everything looks all good after the install, but later on, I wanted to build my own proxy server, so I removed the ngnix proxy part from the docker-compose.yml file:pr...

ChloeYu by Champ in-the-making
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