11-07-2017 02:13 AM
Deployment deployment = processEngine.getRepositoryService().createDeployment()
.name("Dynamic Api Execution").key("DynamicApiExecution").deploy();
The above call returns me deployment object. When i try to execute the below call it says Deployment id not found.
The object returned from the above call is not getting persisted in activiti deployment table.processEngine.getRuntimeService().startProcessInstanceById(deployment.getId(),variables);Can some one from activiti team please look into this issue.
But if i execute the below call. It executes the existing latest version of deployment and also creating the deployent
entry which is returned in the above call
its creating the deployment id which is not found in the above call.
11-07-2017 02:46 AM
Can you please share your activiti version details ?
11-07-2017 05:41 AM
Hi Murali,
Any update ?
Here are the details requested
'schema.version' : ''
'schema.history' : 'create( upgrade(>'
11-07-2017 03:14 AM
Hi Muralidharan,
Here are the details
'schema.version' : ''
'schema.history' : 'create( upgrade(>'
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