06-22-2017 04:55 PM
Hi, doyou know if there is a blog or a tutorial that explain how to integer ocr in alfresco and the rules to add to documents in order to have an automatic classification ?
06-23-2017 01:25 AM
You can try this: https://github.com/keensoft/alfresco-simple-ocr
If you are targeting classification features, I recommend you Ephesoft
06-28-2017 07:05 AM
this is not really a step by step tutorial, just a link on github ...
ephesoft seems not to be free -> you have to subscribe to their cloud
Document Capture with Ephesoft | Alfresco Add-ons - Alfresco Customizations
and then after passing hours to figure out how to install it, they will propose you a way for making it works well ...
It doesn't sound what I'm looking for ...
plus I don't get why does we need to use a cloud. I want to install it entirely to my local server in order to be fully autonomous
07-09-2017 10:50 AM
I'm trying to install ephesoft,
I'm getting an error on the installation :
Installing libraries for development tools. Please wait...
no repo activated
Error occurred while installing libraries for development tools..
Exiting from script...
does somebody knows what sould I do, I'm looking for this error for hour without being able to find something ...
I'm using debian 8.7
07-10-2017 03:09 AM
ok so I've past a long time on this issue something like 2 days
to finally understand that one of the good ways to install the latest version of ephesoft is finally on ubuntu 14.04.5 TLS and not debian 9, not debian 8.7, not ubuntu 17.0.4, not ubuntu 14.10 and finally not ubuntu 14.04.4 not TLS but only ubuntu 14.04.5 TLS
and then the installation works ...
3 weeks ago
@nicolas_loyce, were you able to find a working solution?
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