10-30-2017 04:00 PM
I've tried to follow along with the tutorials for mapping Ephesoft Document Types to Alfresco custom aspects with no luck. I've created the custom model in Alfresco using the Model Manager. I've added the required information into the DLF and Aspect files, I've set the Aspect Switch in the CMIS Export module to ON, and I've been unable to find the model XML in the Alfresco extension directory (however, I did find the model in the alf_data\solr4\model directory). I keep getting the error
"org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.exceptions.CmisObjectNotFoundException: Type 'D:nih-docs:NIH_Documents:Contract' is unknown!" and Ephesoft stops the processing of the document at Export Module at the 50% mark.
10-31-2017 12:27 AM
10-31-2017 08:40 AM
This is essentially the same document that I've found previously. The instructions you posted are following a method of creating the custom model by placing XML files in the extension directory. What I am asking is, how do you connect Ephesoft and Alfresco when you create a model in the Model Manager of Alfresco. The XML document is not placed in the extension directory. It is placed in the "alfresco-community\alf_data\solr4\model" directory with a numeric code added to the name (e.g. usg-docs,USG_Documents.4148688775.xml).
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