02-16-2021 02:00 AM
I had a process and all was okay, but after adding new logic and viewing process by "processes running by me" i got "User *initiator username* does not have permission to access this task" error.
Get workflow by needed id
Get all workflows (and find needed id)
Process source code is very big, Do i need attach files?
02-16-2021 10:23 AM
The basic requirement for being allowed access is that the current user must either be the initiator of the workflow, the assignee of a current task or someone that has previously participated in the workflow (e.g. personally completed a task).
I hope this can be helpful.
02-17-2021 06:02 PM
Seems that there can be some issue in process definition so without the BPMN file to see, it's hard to tell. We can only guess. If you modified the User Task, did you put the right form key there?
<userTask id="userTask_AdHoc" name="Ad-Hoc" activiti:assignee="${dmsWfBase_candidateUsers.contains(',') ? null : dmsWfBase_candidateUsers}" activiti:candidateUsers="${dmsWfBase_candidateUsers}" activiti:formKey="dmsWf:outcomeTaskDMS">
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