12-26-2017 06:51 PM
I'm using activiti 6.0 rest api and trying to save a process .png image as BLOB in my database.
I run a rest get call to the image contentUrl (http://localhost:8080/activiti-rest/service/repository/deployments/1234/resourcedata/image.png) present in my process resources:
restResponse = rest.get(result[1]['contentUrl']){
auth username,password
How do I convert this response to a byte[ ]?
thanks for your help
12-26-2017 11:20 PM
What's rest client library do you use in the following code?
Java data type that you will receive depends on the implementation on the client side(Rest client library).
restResponse = rest.get(result[1]['contentUrl']){
auth username,password
If now you receive it as InputStream, you can convert it to byte[] by the method of the following article.
bytearray - Convert InputStream to byte array in Java - Stack Overflow
12-27-2017 05:26 AM
Sorry for not mentioning this...I am using grails :
import grails.plugins.rest.client.RestBuilder
import grails.plugins.rest.client.RestResponse
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()RestResponse restResponse = rest.get(result[1]['contentUrl']){
auth username,password
byte[] png_image = IOUtils.copyToByteArray(restResponse)
And am getting this error:
No signature of method: static grails.io.IOUtils.copyToByteArray() is applicable for argument types: (grails.plugins.rest.client.RestResponse) values: [grails.plugins.rest.client.RestResponse@27a210e7]
Possible solutions: copyToByteArray(java.io.File), copyToByteArray(java.io.InputStream).
12-27-2017 06:39 AM
How about the following code?
I'm sorry that I don't know about groovy and grails.
I tried to write the example code by using the following sites.
RestResponse (grails-datastore-rest-client 1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT API)
ResponseEntity (Spring Framework 5.0.2.RELEASE API)
HttpEntity (Spring Framework 5.0.2.RELEASE API)
import grails.plugins.rest.client.RestBuilder
import grails.plugins.rest.client.RestResponse
RestBuilder rest = new RestBuilder()RestResponse restResponse = rest.get(result[1]['contentUrl']){
auth username,password
}byte[] png_image = restResponse.responseEntity.getBody().getBytes()
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