Resolved! Latest task instances
I'm in ,I want to know if there is a webscript that return task instances sorted by date or the x latest instances
I'm in ,I want to know if there is a webscript that return task instances sorted by date or the x latest instances
Hello,In ACS I have created a workflow definition & created some workflows based on that.Later I have to update the workflow Id of the workflow definition. After deploying the new workflow Id I have undeployed the old workflow Id from the workflow co...
Hi All,I was just wondering if anyone know how to get an sql query to return all users and their emails i have a query that shows all users just nee to edit it to show all email address also.SELECT, n.uuid, p1.string_value AS "Username" FROM ...
Hi,I got a several problem with the REST API.I need to have all includes variables for a process with the pagination, so i do this query :maxItems = 100skipCount = 600(status = active AND includeVariables = true )Result : "pagination": {"count": 46,...
Hello everybody.How can create a custom button in this section?And this sectionI follow instructions of @angelborroy in and extending the file documentlist-v2.get.html.ftl I managed to add a but...
Hello community,Is there a way to create a tree structure of folders automatically into documents library? Without creating folder by folder?Exemple of tree structure: Folder 1: sub folder 1.1 sub fo...
Hi All,Currently, I am using alfresco community 5.0d version in production server.We have allocated 16GB RAM to the hosted instance.Currently, I am facing the issue of slowness. Also, out of box login API is taking 11 to 12 seconds to produce alf tic...
Hello community,Is it possible to notify a user when files are added to folders?Thank your in advance.Best regards.
I am migrating Alfresco Content Store from 5.0 to 5.2.7I had Alfresco 5.0 connected to MS SQL 2008I installed 5.2.7 on a separate server with a fresh MS SQL 2016 database.Once Alfresco was up, I migrated the contentstore, deleted indexes, deleted the...
Hy at all,I am having in the Transformation log numerous errors of the following type:30 Sep 2021 11:12:40 300 pdf txt ERROR file7.pdf 81.3 KB 16 ms Local:PdfBox -- transform:SolrIndexer -- Failed 0830186093 PdfBox returned a 500 status Failed to ...
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