10-09-2017 07:13 AM
I am new to alfresco,I have a basic question can anyone help me to know the difference between alfresco all-in-one, alfresco share and alfresco amp projects. Why alfresco provides 3 types of project and how each differs from other and which one is used for what kind of purpose? Please any one give a better clarification, thank you
10-10-2017 03:39 PM
Basically the difference is in the way you organize your project.
If you use AIO (All In One), a single project will generate both the repository (alfresco) and share parts, that you can use to install in your server.
With AIO, you will be able to execute a complete Alfresco server, with Alfresco, Share and Solr.
That is good for tests, like when you want to try Alfresco without having to install it.
If you use the repository OR share, then what you have is, as you can imagine, a project containing just the repository (Alfresco) or share customization.
With each of them you can start a server, being the first one just with Alfresco and Solr, and the second one just with Share.
If you are customizing Share, I recommend to you to use the Share archetype, as it will way faster when you need to restart the project after doing changes.
10-11-2017 05:35 AM
Thank you for explaining this, You told that share project is faster than all-in-one, I have created two seperate projects, one as alfresco all-in-one and another as alfresco share. Both are running successfully, but my query is with alfresco all-in-one project, I can able to login via localhost:8080 port, with share project shows only build success in console,it's not launching the war in 8080 port. That how can i run it in share project?
10-27-2017 08:38 AM
The share project, when using separated projects, is launched by default on port 8081, as 8080 is already being used by the repository project (alfresco)
When I said "share project is faster", I meant that restarting this server will be faster, as it has only the share war to execute, and that process will be way faster than restarting the repository process (alfresco), as that one is a heavier process.
So, it will be useful as a way to save time when developing share customizations.
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