09-25-2024 05:28 AM
Hi everyone,
I need some help with overriding a specific bean in the Solr search subsystem.
In my project, I need to modify certain query parameters in the solrQueryHTTPCLient class, so I’m trying to override the search.solrQueryHTTPCLient bean defined in solr-search-context.xml and change its class to my custom implementation.
I’ve attempted to override the bean in custom-web-context.xml, but it didn’t work. From what I understand, this is likely because the search subsystems use their own application contexts, which might be preventing the override from taking effect.
Could someone guide me on the correct approach to solve my task? Any help would be much appreciated!
09-25-2024 06:34 AM
Hope this helps: https://docs.alfresco.com/content-services/latest/develop/repo-ext-points/subsystems/
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