Is it mandatory to use activiti database tables
I am using activiti workflow embedded inside spring boot application.I want to know whether use of activiti tables is mandatory or not. (I am more concerned about use of Task and User table).
I am using activiti workflow embedded inside spring boot application.I want to know whether use of activiti tables is mandatory or not. (I am more concerned about use of Task and User table).
Hi all,I have tried to assign myself as a contributor in Activiti JIRA, but I could not. I have more than 4 year experience developing application on top of Activiti BPM engine, I think I have a good knowledge of the Acitiviti code so that I can help...
There are certain events that happen as part of a Workflow - example, person X signed off, Approvals are completed, rejections, etc that need to be part of a query on the content itself. Example: Get all specs that were approved by a person between x...
HI All,Someone suggest me to create multiple collections in solr (lucene) to get faster response from the solr.I am new in this era so can anyone please help me how to create collections in solr and how alfresco can consume those collections.Thanks i...
Hai Everyone,I need help for Alfresco community 5.1.f Hot Backup and Restore Process in linux system.Can anyone help me please.
I can not find a download of the .war files hereownload Alfresco Community ECM Now | Alfresco
On the internet I found how to read aspects properties.Map<QName, PropertyDefinition> aspectPropDefs = dictionaryService.getAspect(ContentModel.ASPECT_AUTHOR).getProperties();Problem is I need read aspects from QName, e.g. read all aspects from this ...
This GitHub repository is now "Old mirror of Alfresco Community Edition from before the migration to Git""Code is being brought from SVN into GitHub in multiple repositories", so, where is GIT repository for the Remote API project?
Boa tarde, alguém teria algum tutorial de como troca a imagem de fundo do alfresco? e a tela de loguin para outra imagem no windows ?conforme anexo.
Hi all,Just curious... if I have a web script with no <authentication> tag in the definition XML, and let's say this web script is responsible for updating document properties, how is the user that the web script runs as chosen? I have seen some very...
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