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how to hide parameters?

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

I'm having issues and questions with respect to the work process subtleties structure. From what I've seen up until now, adjustments should principally be possible by changing offer config-custom.xml, by adding a structure label looking something like this (attempted various varieties):

<form id="workflow-details">


<show id="cmpnySmiley TonguerocessId"/>

<hide id="cmpny:title"/>

<hide id="cmpny:description"/>

<hide id="packageItems"/>

<hide id="cmpny:reason"/>

<hide id="cmpny:review"/>

<hide id="cmpny:deadline"/>

<hide id="cmpny:customReviewOutcome"/>



<set id="" appearance="title" label="Overview"/>

<set id="main" appearance="title" label="Description"/>

<field id="cmpnySmiley TonguerocessId" set="main" label="Process-ID"/>



I have for the most part taken a stab at replicating the working structure from one of the assignments and adjusting it, giving it its own config-tag or added it to one existing one under the errand's structures tag, however nothing appears to work - by any means. Whatever I do, no progressions show up.

My primary assumption is to having at any rate something show up, however no noticeable changes can be distinguished. I discovered this post.