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How to get READ audit data on cm:content?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ


I am trying to get audit data for READ events on nodes of type cm:content.

I'm using an alfresco-all-in-one project (artifactId is alfresco-all-in-one) created with the maven alfresco sdk so I added two files in "alfresco-all-in-one/alfresco-all-in-one-platform-jar/src/main/resources/alfresco/module/alfresco-all-in-one-platform-jar/" namely:


Then i tried to redo the steps from this Example Audit Trail. Not only did I not see the READ events on cm:content I was looking for (from step 3), it seems the audit.filter properties I defined didn't have any effect...I got CREATE events, READ events for other types like cmSmiley Tongueerson. I went over the logs a bunch of times so I know I didn't miss anything. I even tried using the audit query API http://localhost:8080/alfresco/s/api/audit/query/alfresco-access?verbose=true but the results were the same.

Now I know from Axel Faust's reply to this question that filters should act on inbound audit values generated by the two producers: "alfresco-access" and "alfresco-api" so data shouldn't even appear in the "alfresco-access" audit application. I even tried with 


but I still got unwanted data from the alfresco-access producer as inbound audit values in the logs.

So my two questions so far are:

- how to make audit filters work?

- how to make alfresco-access producer generate READ audit data for cm:content types?

Thank you!

P.S.: I know the data I am looking for should be accessible because when I go to an alfresco site I created there is that "Site activites" dashlet that clearly shows:


Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

For anyone still interested in a solution for this specific issue:

I ended up not using the audit feature at all. What I did instead was use a java repo side web-script to access the database directly. The information I was looking for was stored in the "alf_activity_feed" table.  The database name is "alfrescoaio" in my case because I am using the alfresco maven sdk to create an all-in-one project for development. The results are filtered so only one entry per user exists (the most recent one).

private Map<String, Map> getPreviews(String currentNode) {
        Map<String, Map> finalPreviewsMap = new HashMap<>();

        try {

            // Connect to db

            String dbUrl = "jdbc:postgresql:alfrescoaio";
            Connection db = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, "alfresco", "alfresco");
            PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT post_date,activity_summary FROM alf_activity_feed WHERE activity_type='org.alfresco.documentlibrary.file-previewed'");
            ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();

            // Init variables

            Date post_date;
            String activity_summary;
            DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", Locale.ENGLISH);
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            Map<String, Object> summary, previewMap;

            // Iterate through results from db

            while ( {
                activity_summary = rs.getString(2);
                if (activity_summary.indexOf(currentNode) != -1) {
                    summary = mapper.readValue(activity_summary, Map.class);
                    previewMap = new HashMap<>();
                    String fullName = summary.get("firstName") + " " + summary.get("lastName");
                    String fullNameId = fullName.replace(" ","").replace("-","");
                    post_date = df.parse(rs.getString(1));
                    if (finalPreviewsMap.get(fullNameId) != null) {
                        long oldPostDate = (long) finalPreviewsMap.get(fullNameId).get("post_date");
                        if (post_date.getTime() > oldPostDate) {
                            previewMap.put("post_date", post_date.getTime());
                            previewMap.put("fullName", fullName);
                            finalPreviewsMap.put(fullNameId, previewMap);
                    } else {
                        previewMap.put("post_date", post_date.getTime());
                        previewMap.put("fullName", fullName);
                        finalPreviewsMap.put(fullNameId, previewMap);

            // Close db connection
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        } catch (JsonParseException e) {
        } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return finalPreviewsMap;


View answer in original post


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

Do not confuse site activities with auditing - these are two completely different functionalities and not at all related to one another.

Also, be aware that there is both a data producer called "alfresco-access" and an audit application ("recorder") called "alfresco-access" (thanks Alfresco for a properly confusing naming without a clear separation). When you configure audit.alfresco-access.enabled, you are only enabling / disabling the audit application, not the data producer. So even if alfresco-access is not enabled as a recorder you'll still get the inbound data from the producer (which may be consumed by other audit applications).

Only the audit.filter.xx settings apply the producer as I stated in the linked thread.

To me it sounds like your may not be picked up properly / correctly. Have you tried configuring this in a regular Alfresco system outside of the SDK (I only trust the SDK as far as I can throw it, and never use it myself)?

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Thank you for your response, Axel.

I am aware of the difference between the "alfresco-access" data producer and the "alfresco-access" audit application.

I tried using a regular Alfresco system today. I put the changes in {alfresco_root_dir}/tomcat/shared/classes/ Unfortunately the audit.filter.xx settings were ignored just like with the SDK. I was thinking the default alfresco-acccess filters were interfering so I also put 


Still no effect. I'm out of ideas.

I could probably do with no filtering for now if only I could solve the other problem, namely making the alfresco-access producer generate READ audit data for cm:content types. Any ideas on that issue?

You were saying site activities are different from there a way to get the data from there?

Thank you for your time!

// Edit

I finally managed to get filters working. I had to enable the default alfresco-access filters in the first place:


I don't know if this behavior is intended or if it's a bug... Anyway, then I could overwrite the defaults to anything I wanted. I needed to see all inbound audit values so I put these settings:


However, even with allowing all kinds of audit data, I still couldn't get the READ audit values for documents in the document library. I also looked through the audit values produced by "alfresco-api" and tried to find inbound audit values that were only generated when I opened the document. I got pretty close with  /alfresco-api/post/NodeService/getPath/args/nodeRef=... but these events are also triggered in other situations (for example when the site activities dashlet loads and the file is present there).

Any ideas for how I could proceed?

Thanks again!

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

For anyone still interested in a solution for this specific issue:

I ended up not using the audit feature at all. What I did instead was use a java repo side web-script to access the database directly. The information I was looking for was stored in the "alf_activity_feed" table.  The database name is "alfrescoaio" in my case because I am using the alfresco maven sdk to create an all-in-one project for development. The results are filtered so only one entry per user exists (the most recent one).

private Map<String, Map> getPreviews(String currentNode) {
        Map<String, Map> finalPreviewsMap = new HashMap<>();

        try {

            // Connect to db

            String dbUrl = "jdbc:postgresql:alfrescoaio";
            Connection db = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, "alfresco", "alfresco");
            PreparedStatement st = db.prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT post_date,activity_summary FROM alf_activity_feed WHERE activity_type='org.alfresco.documentlibrary.file-previewed'");
            ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();

            // Init variables

            Date post_date;
            String activity_summary;
            DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS", Locale.ENGLISH);
            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            Map<String, Object> summary, previewMap;

            // Iterate through results from db

            while ( {
                activity_summary = rs.getString(2);
                if (activity_summary.indexOf(currentNode) != -1) {
                    summary = mapper.readValue(activity_summary, Map.class);
                    previewMap = new HashMap<>();
                    String fullName = summary.get("firstName") + " " + summary.get("lastName");
                    String fullNameId = fullName.replace(" ","").replace("-","");
                    post_date = df.parse(rs.getString(1));
                    if (finalPreviewsMap.get(fullNameId) != null) {
                        long oldPostDate = (long) finalPreviewsMap.get(fullNameId).get("post_date");
                        if (post_date.getTime() > oldPostDate) {
                            previewMap.put("post_date", post_date.getTime());
                            previewMap.put("fullName", fullName);
                            finalPreviewsMap.put(fullNameId, previewMap);
                    } else {
                        previewMap.put("post_date", post_date.getTime());
                        previewMap.put("fullName", fullName);
                        finalPreviewsMap.put(fullNameId, previewMap);

            // Close db connection
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } catch (ParseException e) {
        } catch (JsonParseException e) {
        } catch (JsonMappingException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

        return finalPreviewsMap;