02-24-2017 02:11 PM
Hello, i have seen this on other ECM's, i don't want people to be able to delete their own stuff, unless they are admins. We are using just the Share interface. I have seen two solutions: one that uses a script to make all files owned by the admin, which is not acceptable to us because we want to know who uploaded the file.
The other solution is to disable deletion at the XML level, which makes admins unable to delete, which also isn't acceptable.
How can we do this? Using community 201605
02-25-2017 02:09 PM
I don't quite understand why setting the owner to a different user (either "admin" or simply an empty string for "no user") would be inacceptable. The creator (uploader) is still properly credited and maintained as a distinctive property and you don't loose any information.
03-01-2017 07:16 AM
i thought that setting the owner with a script would make the uploader not shown anymore. I will try this option then
03-01-2017 07:55 AM
i created the script with just one line, and i can see that it is running because i uploaded one file and it changed the owner from "(None") to admin, however i am still allowed to delete my own file.
The permissions in the folder are as follows:
EVERYONE: Site Consumer
site_incafica_SiteCollaborator: Site Collaborator
site_incafica_SiteConsumer: Site Consumer
site_incafica_SiteContributor: Site Contributor
site_incafica_SiteManager: Site Manager
(meaning, the default permissions that are assigned when you create a folder)
Also, my user isn't even a consumer, i deleted myself from the site, but i was an administrator before. What else do i have to do?
03-01-2017 09:23 AM
Seems like it failed because my username is listed in the main configuration as admin. I tested with a new account, added to the site as collaborator, uploaded the file and can't delete it, but admins can.
Follow up question, is there a way to apply the script globally to all uploads in all sites/folders? I don't see the "manage rules" option available at the root level, just for each folder, and i don't want to apply the rule individually for each folder!
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