05-21-2018 12:11 PM
Created a process in Activiti BPM and want to upload it into my Alfresco Workflow.
05-22-2018 03:31 AM
I hope this link will answer your question, How Can I Deploy Alfreso Activiti Workflow to Alfresco Community Edition
I think there is no direct way to export Activiti workflow from activiti and import to Alfresco share as-is. You will know more from above link but you may want to explore Alfresco activiti share connector. please see following link,
Using the Share Connector | Alfresco Documentation
Hope this information will be helpful to you!
05-22-2018 04:09 AM
Hi Jayesh ,
Thanks for the response.
Please does the Share connector works with Alfresco Community?
05-22-2018 04:25 AM
As long as I know, its available for enterprise version and not for community.
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