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Forum Posts

how is the file is stored in activiti

Hi All,i have  uploaded a  file from a process and it get stored in the activiti server and the respective entries are in  the related_content,content_rendition tables.i have all details including store id, content_id  for that file. i am in need of ...

Arun_nmc by Champ on-the-rise
  • 3 replies
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Resolved! Problem installing Community Edition 201702

Fresh install of Ubuntu Server 16.04.2 LTSThe only things that I have installed areopensshoracle JDK 8I've downloaded "alfresco-community-installer-201702-linux-x64.bin", made it executable and run it. I get the following errorome or all of the libra...

akafortes by Confirmed Champ
  • 6 replies
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Evaluating Activiti for a client requirement.

We are evaluating Activiti for a client requirement. We dont see much updates or releases on Activiti 7 post May 2019. The product roadmap says, there are plans to launch Activiti Cloud 8.x...

Search Problem

We are using Community Edition v6.2 and Search v1.4. We use model manager of "Admin Tools" to generate the custom model (custom types and custom aspects) and activate it.We are managed to set the document to document type "TestDoc" and update the pro...

Enable read-only form without coding

Hello,i'm using Alfresco Process Services Trial Version 1.11.I have a filled out form in my workflow which is send to another person for review purposes.The Person should not be able to edit the form, only be able to read the form content.Is that pos...

Aqua by Champ in-the-making
  • 2 replies
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Default value checkbox

Hi all,This might be a very simple question but I'm struggling with it. I'm using APS 1.9 and have a form with a checkbox in it. How can I set up the checkbox to appear as "checked" by default? Thanks