01-11-2025 09:59 AM
I'm moving from Alfresco 5.4 to Alfresco 7.4 (docker) .. my email notifications failed because of companyhome is empty ..
I work on the same alf_data, same database .. so difference come only from installation
I use docker to do this
Caused by: org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.TemplateException: 00100048 Erreur lors du traitement du mod?le 'The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> companyhome [in template "string://fixed" at line 2, column 25]
I got a notification.ftl looking like this hosted in dictionnary > templates email
<#assign notifiedPersonRef=args["notifiedPersonRef"]/>
<#assign notifiedPerson=companyhome.nodeByReference[notifiedPersonRef]/>
Bonjour ${notifiedPerson.properties["cm:firstName"]},
What Am i doing wrong ?
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