08-03-2017 09:26 AM
Is there a way to limit the available document actions (shown in document-browse or document-details view) based on user role or access rights?
Zsolt Putnoky
08-08-2017 11:38 AM
This is exactly what the addon I gave you does: create a special subset of actions for the group "SIMPLE USER": https://github.com/keensoft/alfresco-simplify-share/blob/master/simplify-share/src/main/amp/config/a...
Probably you can develop your own addon taking this one as starting point.
08-09-2017 07:53 AM
Not sure that your solution does what I need to achieve. In our case we would like to keep the predefined site roles, but modify the available actions based on role.
Am I able to do the following with your code?
All other actions like: change type, manage aspects, take ownership, should be reserved for users with admin right.
The users might have different roles in different sites.
I am not a developer and just recently started modifying Alfresco, some of the ideas given are new to me, hence the frequent questions.
Zsolt Putnoky
08-09-2017 08:44 AM
Yes, you can do it by evolving the addon I gave you.
08-09-2017 08:49 AM
okay, time to have another look and figure out how to make that work.
thanks for your patience, much appreciated.
Zsolt Putnoky
08-09-2017 08:51 AM
Probably the hardest is to deal with all those "Site_SiteShortName_RoleName" dynamically generated groups...
08-09-2017 08:56 AM
Do I need to list all the actions I would like to make available into the removed-actions.xml file?
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions" replace="true">
<actionGroup id="document-browse">
<action index="100" id="document-download"/>
<actionGroup id="document-details">
Into these part?
08-09-2017 09:15 AM
You need one "removed-actions.xml" per group / role
08-10-2017 11:14 AM
I assume if I need to create 3 diffrent 'removed-action.xml' I should name them differently. Where do I need to declare the files?
Another issue: user roles might change between sites. In our case, a site is a project. We have few projects in the same time, so user A who is a manager of a site/folder in project A might be a simple Consumer in project B. In such case, do I need to create a group for each project?
08-11-2017 03:30 AM
08-11-2017 08:20 AM
Hello dude.
Yes, in this answer https://community.alfresco.com/message/816593-re-personalizar-share-header-aikau-para-el-rol-siteman...
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