03-29-2019 02:28 PM
I'am new with alfresco and i need to disable Download action for a consumer role (file and folder).
Someone help me please.
04-01-2019 12:31 PM
Consumer can not edit any resources so you can put that condition on that action to restrict download action.
Your file should have configuration like this.
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="DocLibActions">
<action id="document-download" type="link"
<param name="href">{downloadUrl}</param>
<permission allow="true">Write</permission>
Other way is you can create custom evaluator where you need to check that which role current user has.
05-18-2020 08:25 AM
Hi All,
I have tried your code but it isnt working for me . I have inserted the code which i am using. I think it should hide download button from document but it is not hiding. Also Could you suggest me how can i disable it for contributor and coordinator but not for editor and collaborator
<action id="document-download" type="link" label="actions.document.download"> <param name="href">{downloadUrl}</param> <evaluator>evaluator.doclib.action.disableAction</evaluator> </action>
04-16-2019 02:42 AM
I think this issue has been explained in other messages. Please, take a look (sorry, thread in spanish):
How to disable consumer's download/share right in 5.2.e
Maybe, it could give you more information.
04-16-2019 02:46 AM
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