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start-cloud-process component and forms

Champ in-the-making
Champ in-the-making

sorry for the long post (and my english is bad and i hope you can understand something) but
i am evaluating cloud activiti (with adf component) and i have some questions
1) I would need connector for alfresco community (I have to publish documents).
If I understand correctly I have to build my own connectors because activiti cloud does not have otb connectors.Right?

2) Form. I can associate forms to processes and tasks, but I did not understand how. Adf cloud uses the formKey property to retrieve the form. In form-cloud-service.ts:
 getForm (appName: string, formKey: string, version ?: number): Observable <FormContent> {
 let url = `$ {this.getBasePath (appName)} / form / v1 / forms / $ {formKey}`;

In the examples ( there is no image docker for the form service (the end point "/form"). I can't understand how to deploy the forms. I looked at the code and found all the methods to manage them (and the components) but I didn't understand how to use them.
For example, at the start of a process I have the need to have a form with a combo that retrieves data from an external source (rest). It's possible? (I have to select a customer for the process)

I installed the examples (getting started) and created a project with adf (generate with yeoman...) and I don't understand 2 things:
1) the adf start-cloud-process component uses the StartProcessCloudService service (start-process-cloud-service.ts). In the createProcess method StartProcessCloudService use the API rest
   const url = `$ {this.getBasePath (appName)} / rb / v1 / process-
   instances / create`;
    payload.payloadType = 'CreateProcessInstancePayload';
but the end point responds to a 405 error (I did not find the endpoint in the runtime bundle). removing "/ create" does not recognize the payload 'CreateProcessInstancePayload'.
What am I doing wrong? (I can't create the process if I don't change the Start-Process-Cloud.Component.ts source)
2) In task new start I want to assign the task to a user. Can't I select it through the peoplewidget? (assignee is a textWidget)
