09-19-2023 10:24 AM
Good day All,
I am performing an alfresco community upgrade from Alfresco community 5.0 to 5.1. I have done the backup and copied the alf_data from the old installation i.e. 5.0, I have installed the Alfresco community 5.1.
My question is how do I go about removing the alfrescoDB in 5.1 and restoring the backup DB from 5.0 to 5.1, if anyone can list the process of doing this or how i go about it, I would be glad.
I look forward to hearing from you guys.
Thanks and BR,
09-19-2023 04:03 PM
You should do dump/restore of database 5.0 into 5.1 installation.
1. delete default installed database in 5.1 and create empty database 'alfresco'
$ ./psql postgres=# drop database alfresco; postgres=# CREATE DATABASE alfresco postgres-# WITH OWNER = alfresco postgres-# ENCODING = 'UTF8' postgres-# TABLESPACE = pg_default postgres-# CONNECTION LIMIT = -1 postgres-# TEMPLATE template0; postgres-# \q
3. stop alfresco 5.0. dump old 5.0
$ pg_dump --username alfresco alfresco > database_dump.sql
4. restore database 5.0 into 5.1
$ cat database_dump.sql | psql -q -U alfresco -d alfresco
5. rsync alf_data from 5.0 into 5.1
$ rsync -avh ./alfresco5.0/alf_data ./alfresco5.1/
5. start alfresco 5.1 to upgrade
09-20-2023 05:27 AM
Hi @fedorow
Please where do I run these commands, is it "cmd" terminal or should it be run in "pgAdmin3" or "psql" inside the /postgresql > bin folder.
I look forwrad to hearing from you.
09-21-2023 06:18 AM
Hi @fedorow I have implemented all the steps from step 1 to step 5.
For step 5, I deleted the alf_data in Alfresco 5.1 and implemented "rsync" which was completed successfully.
But anytime I start Alfresco 5.1, it goes from "stopped" to "starting" and goes back to "stopped". It never moves to "running".
Please what do you think could be the issue?
I look forwrad to hearing from you.
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