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Configure Alfresco over SAN

Confirmed Champ
Confirmed Champ

Hello Everyone,

I have deployed Alfresco 6 (Dockerized) in a production enviornment. Previously Alfresco was configured on NAS storage. Now I want to configure the same setup on SAN storage. 

I would like to know that how can I configure Alfresco on SAN? Is there any documentation available. Since now there will be shared storage how will I configure Alfresco to store content and index?


Legendary Innovator
Legendary Innovator

Alfresco really does not care whether NAS or SAN is used for storage. In a dockerised deployment, the only thing that matters is that you provide it with a volume mount to handle the alf_data / contentstore folder, and/or index for SOLR. So as long as you provide a volume mount that is located on a SAN-backed filesystem, you don't have to do anything else really in Alfresco.

Dear @afaust ,

Thank you for clearing my concern for Alfresco on SAN. Actually I am planning to deploy Alfresco on SAN for Disaster Recovery in a production eviornment. Since my DR server and Production Server both will be connected to a shared Storage so if my Production server fails my DR server will be automatically UP as I will be using SAN. My database will be replicating continiously through logical replication.

I just wanted to confirm that if my strategy is technically possible or not?

Star Contributor
Star Contributor


Is it only for Alfresco 6 (Dockerized) only ? how about if we are running old version:

1) Alfresco Community v5.0.0
(d r99759-b2) schema 8022

2) PostgreSQL 9.3.6, compiled by Visual C++ build 1600, 64-bit.

What we want is we ONLY migrate the file storage part of alfresco to NAS, is it working fine for Alfresco Community v5.0.0 on windows ? 

What is the minimum technical performance requirement of the NAS for Alfresco Community v5.0.0 to works well?

We are concerning if the NAS performance will impact Alfresco a lot !

Star Contributor
Star Contributor

one thing sir,

is only move file content store to NAS from SAN, will the performance hightly impacted?

currently our alfresco VM running totally on SAN ( not very fast SAN), and if we ONlY relocation the content store to a NAS, how fast the NAS should be?