07-24-2024 10:03 AM
Hello guys, I have a question. I have installed alfresco 7.2 with docker using https and ngnix.
I need to change the certificates that come with my own certificates for certificates self-generated
by our company's CA. Inside the ngnix folder there are subfolders that have two certificates, a crt
and a .key at the same time. Changing it to autogenerated ones doesn't make me feel better.
Any suggestions on how to change them. Greetings and thanks in advance.
07-29-2024 12:38 PM
The solution to use another ca or certifying entity is to first use a 2048 bit key, then use the key name the same as the one generated, generate the certificate in a pem .cer and paste them in the ngnix cert folder.
07-29-2024 03:31 AM
If you are using Alfresco Docker installer folder structure and your docker compose proxy service looks like this:
proxy: image: nginx:stable-alpine
... volumes: - ./config/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf - ./config/nginx.htpasswd:/etc/nginx/conf.d/nginx.htpasswd - ./config/cert/localhost.cer:/etc/nginx/localhost.cer - ./config/cert/localhost.key:/etc/nginx/localhost.key ports: - 443:443
then go to the Alfresco project folder (where docker-compose.yml is) and execute next:
openssl genpkey -algorithm RSA -out ./config/cert/localhost.key -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:2048 openssl req -new -key ./config/cert/localhost.key -out ./config/cert/localhost.cer openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in ./config/cert/localhost.cer -signkey ./config/cert/localhost.key -out ./config/cert/localhost.cer
Restart 'proxy' service to apply new certificate.
Hope you will feel better.
07-29-2024 10:55 AM
I want to add a certificate generated by a certifying authority in my country, not generate a self-signed certificate by openssl, my question is, I delete the ngnix certificates and add the same name that they had to my certificates but it doesn't work, what should I do, how do I change the certifying entity..
07-29-2024 11:08 AM
There could be two causes:
1. NGINX requires the SSL key and certificate to be in PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) format. Convert it if you have another format.
2. Sometime you must add the full certificate chain. It depands on your certificate authority proveder and goes far from Alfresco. Add full chain or consult with your CA proveder.
07-29-2024 11:46 AM
but in ngnix cert there are only two certificates, the key, that is, the .key and the .cert, there is no .pem
07-29-2024 12:38 PM
The solution to use another ca or certifying entity is to first use a 2048 bit key, then use the key name the same as the one generated, generate the certificate in a pem .cer and paste them in the ngnix cert folder.
07-29-2024 10:57 AM
And those commands are placed inside the docker-compose.yml or in my case I am using Ubuntu, that is, a cd inside the project and I execute the command, sorry for the inconvenience, I am new to this project
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