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Cannot change perrmission in Alfresco 7.4 after restore data from previos version

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

I'm working on upgrade Alfresco 5.0 to 7.4. As documentation said i need make first upgrade to 5.2 and then to 7.4. I successfully migrate project with all dependencies to SDK 4.6 and run it in Alfresco 7.4. Now i tried migrade Alfresco data.

I restore backup from 5.0 in 5.2 and seems that everything is working. So i did backup in 5.2 and tried restore in 7.4. Alfresco start normally, everything working again but all crash when i tried edit permission. Manually via Share or via Java action i get same error:

Cannot invoke "org.alfresco.util.PolicyIgnoreUtil.ignorePolicy(org.alfresco.service.cmr.repository.NodeRef)" because "this.policyIgnoreUtil" is null


For me it is very strange because this error comes from depth of Alfresco, see code on github. Files can be upload or created, error comes only when is attempt to change them. I do everything as admin. I tried permissionService via java action but it crashing only on changing methods. Get methods like this works:


but change methods like this crash:

permissionService.setInheritParentPermissions(actionedUponNodeRef, false);

Have someone seen something like this before? Any ideas for more debugging will be good too.


Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Yes, problem was in old addon on 5.0 which extends PermissionServiceImpl. Back then there were some fixes about permissions. My solution was simple. Remove addon from 5.0, apply amps, make backup and after that restore.

View answer in original post


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

It shouldn't happened, it's seem you can't retrieve the "policyIgnoreUtil" bean reference form teh "policy-context.xml" file.

Try to put the bean "policyIgnoreUtil" in a context file made by you:

    <bean id="policyIgnoreUtil" class="org.alfresco.util.PolicyIgnoreUtil">
      <property name="tenantService" ref="tenantService"/>
      <property name="storesToIgnorePolicies" ref="storesToIgnorePolicies"/>

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Now I found that i had one addon on 5.0 that extends PermissionServiceImpl. That must be source of that problem.

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise

Yes, problem was in old addon on 5.0 which extends PermissionServiceImpl. Back then there were some fixes about permissions. My solution was simple. Remove addon from 5.0, apply amps, make backup and after that restore.