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Installation Issue Alfresco 6.1

@angelborroy  Dear sir i am using your github link: for installing the alfresco 6.1.Steps I have invloved:1- Installed --> node.js   -->version=v12.3.12-Installed --> npm install -g yo -->version=3...

Resolved! Starting alfresco 6.1

Hello, All my installations attempts for various v6x versions have been unsuccessful, usually with Alfresco failing to start up successfully. I noticed that there are several setup guides on the net for previous versions but one can hardly get versio...

imanez1 by Confirmed Champ
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getNodeChildren request with 'where' option

Hi, I try to use where option with getNodeChildren method but it doesn't work:const childrenOpts = { skipCount: 0, include : ['path', 'properties', 'allowableOperations', 'permissions', 'aspectNames', 'isFavorite'], includeSource: true, m...

Resolved! AD synchronization does not work with APS 1.10.0

Helloin APS 1.10.0 we have AD configuration and we have problems with synchronization:11:32:00 [pool-3-thread-4] INFO  com.activti.idm.ldap.service.LdapGroupContextMapper  - Found 2 members with attribute name member for group GROUP_NAME11:32:00 [poo...

nenadteo by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! How to overlay class from jar

I have a class which is tweaked in some particular way and this is class from alfresco-repository7.43.jar. I want to overlay this class. Inside my repo container I have my customized class in ./webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/classes/... and  basic class in...

xyz by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! Uploading huge amount of documents crashes Alfresco

Helly everyone, I am using Alfresco Community Version 6.0.a (Dockerized). I am uploading about 12000 folders with the file size of 2 GB ,consisting of general Word documents. The problem is when i upload these folders my alfresco crashes and stops re...

Alfresco OpenCMIS - How to get ServiceRegistry from Session?

I am using chemistry-opencmis-1.1.0.My understanding is, we first create Session and from Session, we get the ServiceRegistry.However, when I look at the org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.client.api.Session, I do not see any method called getServiceRegis...

SG by Champ in-the-making
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How to get all user inside AngularJS component

Hello, I need some help.One of my colleagues uses UserService in a costomised AngularJS component to get users. However, we get only the first 50 users and we can't get the documentation of this service to change the size of the list we get from the ...

IlhemB by Champ in-the-making
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