integration alfresco 5.2 with office 365
Hello, I would like to know if there is any way to integrate alfresco ecm 5.2 with office 365, if not, if there is any community version capable of doing so
Hello, I would like to know if there is any way to integrate alfresco ecm 5.2 with office 365, if not, if there is any community version capable of doing so
Hi,Im having trouble synchronizing Alfresco Process Services with my Active Directory groups.I'm using the following structure on my Active Directory:com (dc) example (dc) Example (OU) Example-Admin (group) Example...
Hi,I'm using Activiti 5.22.0, and I occasionally encounter the following exception when trying to complete a task:### Error updating database. Cause: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "act_hi_det...
Can anyone help to understand what this error means? Im an alfresco admin and when I log on to our coporate alfresco it throws this error. This error started to appear recently all of a sudden
I am successfully getting session and repository info. But any call to session such as the ones below throw CmisConnectionException.session.getRootFolder();session.getObjectByPath("/Sites/mysite/documentLibrary")I write code as:parameter.put(SessionP...
HelloI would like to mirror document library files and folder structure to the backup drive every night (so downloading whole document library is not an option). How can I do it?Alfresco stores files in different structures and with different names s...
With barebone aio alfresco 6 I can't run integration tests. This class is created when aio is created. What I understand it's because of lack of webscript runtest.get.desc.xml.But why isn't it loaded even though it's inside <!-- Bring in Alfresco RAD...
How to call APS rest api from adf?
[ERROR] No plugin found for prefix 'alfresco' in the current project and in the plugin groups [org.apache.maven.plugins, org.codehaus.mojo] available from the repositories [local (E:\Maven\LocalMaven), central (] ...
Hello, I need some help.One of my ex colleagues uses UserService in a costomised AngularJS component to get users. UserService is injected in an AngularJS component, you can see the injection in the joined image The method used to get users is the fo...
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