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getNodeChildren request with 'where' option

Champ on-the-rise
Champ on-the-rise


I try to use where option with getNodeChildren method but it doesn't work:

const childrenOpts = {
skipCount: 0,
include : ['path', 'properties', 'allowableOperations', 'permissions', 'aspectNames', 'isFavorite'],
includeSource: true,
maxItems: 10,
where: '(name = \'PHOTO\')'
this.alfrescoApiService.nodesApi.getNodeChildren(this.mainExterneLibraryNode, childrenOpts)....

But i still have the same error :

  1. error{errorKey: "framework.exception.InvalidProperty", statusCode: 400,…}
    1. briefSummary"06030038 La propriété 'name' avec la valeur 'PHOTO' n'est pas valide pour la comparaison EQUALS"
    2. descriptionURL""
    3. errorKey"framework.exception.InvalidProperty"
    4. stackTrace"Pour des raisons de sécurité, le traçage de la pile n'est plus affiché, mais la propriété est conservée dans les versions précédente"
    5. statusCode400

I don't find the correct syntax....I have tried with @CM\\:name etc..... nothing works

Thank you for your help


Star Collaborator
Star Collaborator

You probably need to use Search api instead of the Nodes api to get more sophisticated queries.

For the Nodes api, please refer to the API Explorer to get more details on what API supports for the "where"!/nodes/listNodeChildren