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Forum Posts

Resolved! Timer on user task, start only after claiming by candidate

Im assigning a user task to a candidate group. After a user from the group claims the task, I want to start a timer, and if the user doesn't finish the task in time I want to unassign the user on the task and give it back to the candidate group, so a...

Resolved! Docker vs classic (ansible) deployment in production

Hi,is anyone using a docker deployment in production (all-in-one)? What are the biggest problems you had to solve? Can high availability and platform updates be handled easily in case of docker deployment? What are the advantages of docker installati...

miroslav by Star Contributor
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Cannot approve any of the task in Alfresco

Hello,I am getting the below error when i try to attend the task plz let me know the solution for the below.'message': 'org.alfresco.error.AlfrescoRuntimeException: 032013842 Can not get preferences for s983 because there was an error pasing the JSON...

ADF Call Post webscript

I am trying to get datalist value in my adf application and i can use GETmethod properly but at one place i need to call POST method so how can i call post method with body?Below way I am using GET method. this.alfrescoJsApi.core.webscriptApi.execute...

sp2 by Elite Collaborator
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Migration from AD Authentication to LDAP Issues

I'm currently running alfresco v6  and authentication of users is done with an AD server. The users in the AD server have now being migrated to the LDAP server. After configuring alfresco with the new LDAP server, the user's associated files are no l...

vanson by Champ on-the-rise
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Resolved! ADF toolbar button - get nodeRefs from selected nodes (array)

Hi everyone, I need make custom action toolbar button, which give me nodeIDs of selected files. The case is about calling api with nodeIDs array infomartion. in my custom view adf component I have:<adf-toolbar title="Search folders by query"> <butt...

wity by Confirmed Champ
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How do I configure the Share task list

The subject says it all really,     In the my tasks section,  there is a list of tasks that are waiting.  How do I configure that? I want to add some data without having to click into the workflow.And also,  how would I change the layout depending on...

mangar by Star Contributor
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