06-09-2021 01:40 PM
i have a K3S Rancher Cluster. I'm stucking by installing Afresco Community edition on my Rancher. I have no experience with helm charts. The official documentation doesnt work for me, all the examples i found don't work. Can anyone give me a small step by step tutorial for a production ace installation with Rancher
06-10-2021 12:32 PM
It might be useful if you could outline what is not working for you when attempting installation - at what point is it failing, etc?
06-10-2021 12:45 PM
I'm struggeling with Helm CHarts. I never used it before. If i wanted to follow the instruction one of the first calls are failed.
I'm using this instructions
# Run kubectl commands inside here # e.g. kubectl get all > helm repo add alfresco-stable http://kubernetes-charts.alfresco.com/stable "alfresco-stable" has been added to your repositories > > helm install --name my-acs alfresco-stable/alfresco-content-services-community \ > --set repository.adminPassword="WwG6v3WDLH8eBZER" \ > --set postgresql.postgresPassword="8fJVVybLVrSRarAs" Error: unknown flag: --name
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