06-09-2021 10:01 PM
I want to upload file using aflresco restApi
this is my function
the token before uploading is valid ; it's tested with postman
06-09-2021 11:33 PM
i used a different identity provider , excluding the alfresco url solved the problem!
06-09-2021 11:13 PM
If you are using a JWT token, you should change "Basic " to "Bearer ". If you can execute this same call through Postman, then I think you should check your HttpRequest and formData objects.
Hope this helps
06-09-2021 11:33 PM
i used a different identity provider , excluding the alfresco url solved the problem!
06-10-2021 04:02 AM
Hi @achraf13
Glad you got it resolved and thanks for updating your thread.
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