07-21-2020 06:42 AM
Hi all,
First time post, and in a bit of a bind panic!
I've inherited a CentOS 7 Alfresco installation (version 4.2) that for the last two years has pretty much behaved itself. It's one of those 'its working, I don't need to look at it, or touch it' scenarios, except for updating the SSL certificate every year.
This year, that process has been a pain, and as a non-*n*x person I have had nothing but trouble.
Digging around these problems, with advice from others, I may have done something incredibly stupid that's now causing issues with Alfresco starting up. That stupiditiy being disabling and re-enabling SELinux.
As it stands, httpd and tomcat appear to be starting up fine.
From what I've been able to find out, examining the catalina.out log file, it would seem Alfresco has started, but appears to be stuck in this never-ending loop:
2020-07-21 11:20:15,261 WARN [lucene.index.IndexInfo] [indexThread4] Index merger failed with
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/alfresco/indexes/lucene-indexes/workspace/SpacesStore/efac21eb-f025-4b6d-a6f4-15e25e0f5e95/_0_1.del (Permission denied)
2020-07-21 11:20:15,269 WARN [lucene.index.IndexInfo] [indexThread4] Index merger recovered from
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/alfresco/indexes/lucene-indexes/workspace/SpacesStore/efac21eb-f025-4b6d-a6f4-15e25e0f5e95/_0_1.del (Permission denied)
There's nearly 1TB of files on this system, but it seems it's always this one file showing up in the log file, which leads me to believe it's stuck in a loop?
Could anyone please give me some guidance, on how I can get this instance up and running again, or advise me if this is something that Alfresco will get past?
Many thanks!
07-21-2020 06:49 AM
Look like it's permission issue.
Have you check , filename which is displaying in log having same permission as parellel other files have?
07-21-2020 06:55 AM
Thanks for the reply! According to the file system, that file does not exist.
I'm logged in as su, using ls -a, and that file is not present in this directory.... ?
07-21-2020 08:14 AM
Well, several hours later.... and it would appear that message is mis-leading, and the Alfresco instance is now up and running!
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